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Are you planning to legally work and live in Europe? We will help you at the entire stage of migration, starting from the preparation of documents for opening a visa and ending with legal employment with a direct employer.

We provide services to citizens of India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Vietnam, Philippines, Turkey, Morocco, citizens of African countries and citizens of other countries

We invite agents and agencies to fruitful B2B cooperation

Our services:

It takes 2-3 weeks for the employer to prepare the documents. The employment contract is provided for 2 years with a possible further extension.

Temporary residence permit in Lithuania for 2 years, the preparation time of the documents is 1-2 weeks, depending on the country in which the application for a residence permit will be submitted. We also provide a double document legalization service for Lithuania.

The visa is intended only for seasonal work, such as working in fields, gardens and hotels.
The advantage of this visa is the quick preparation of documents, a work permit for a foreigner is issued within 10 days.

The visa is intended for all jobs in Poland, a work permit is issued for a period of 1.5 to 3 years. After arriving in the country, it is possible to obtain a residence permit for a period of 3 years. The preparation of documents takes 1.5-2 months. The visa is issued for a period of 1 year.

The visa is issued for a period of 3 to 9 months. The preparation time of the documents is from 2 to 4 weeks.

An employment contract with an employer for 2 years, after obtaining an entry visa upon arrival in the Czech Republic, the employer helps with the registration of a residence permit

The preparation of documents takes 2-4 weeks, after arrival in the country, you can apply for a residence permit.

This service is intended for those who are already in the territory of the European Union.
The residence permit is issued for a period of 3 years, the time for consideration of the application by the local authorities is 3-6 months. (Sometimes it takes longer)

Registration of a turnkey company takes 3-7 days.
If necessary, we provide a legal address.

If you are interested in our services or have any questions regarding the preparation of documents for visa application or migration to Europe, write to us on WhatsApp and we will answer them as soon as possible

100% guarantee of the legality of the paperwork

By cooperating with us, you can be sure that you will not be denied a visa due to forged documents

Fast processing time

Our team will prepare a set of documents within 2-3 weeks

Phased payment for services

The cost of our services is paid in stages, so you do not have to pay for the service immediately in full

Residence permit in Lithuania for 2 years

Work permit in Lithuania

We provide comprehensive preparation of documents for applying for a residence permit in Lithuania.
We also provide assistance with the double legalization of your documents.

Residence permit in Poland
(Karta Pobytu)

A residence permit in Poland can be obtained for a period of 3 years, after 5 years of legal continuous stay in Poland, you have the right to receive a long-term residence card of the European Union.
After undergoing the procedure, you receive the status of a resident for life.

We provide a service for the preparation of documents and full support until the moment of obtaining a residence permit.

Received visas to European countries
Received residence permits
Registered companies

The list of necessary documents for applying for a visa to different countries

Job search sites in Europe